Jun 18, 2022

Celebrating Hydrangeas

Good morning, All! It's just about summer here on Cape Cod. The beaches are beautiful, fishing season is in full gear, and visitors from all over the world are coming to enjoy this special place.

But, it wouldn't be summer on Cape Cod without blooming Hydrangeas in practically every garden.

Hydrangeas are found throughout Cape Cod and the Islands since the cool springs, temperate summers and acidic soil make for the perfect climate for many varieties of Hydrangea to thrive. These gorgeous flowers are appropriately celebrated here during the Cape Cod Hydrangea Festival, "an annual cape-wide celebration of the region's blue, pink, and white signature flowers and everything gardens on Cape Cod!"

This year the event runs from July 8 - July 17, overlapping Jeanne's upcoming show at the Hyannis HyArts Artist Shanties the week of July 4 - July 10. This is going to be a lot of fun!

Now, if we know anything about Jeanne - we know that she loves her flower gardens.

And, she especially loves her Hydrangeas.

She has taken courses on care and maintenance of these amazing flowers at Heritage Museums and Gardens and never misses a chance to walk through their stunning Hydrangea Display Garden.

Cape Cod Hydrangea Display Garden at Heritage Museums and Gardens

Jeanne even has a fine little Hydrangea garden of her own with over 10 different varieties thriving in her yard. A huge thanks to the amazingly talented team at JuliaGarden Design, who created this magical space.

With all of the excitement surrounding these beloved blooms, we are happy to announce that Jeanne completed her latest painting, "Morning Hydrangea", just in time to celebrate the Cape Hydrangea Fest!

We hope you come visit Jeanne and her fellow Creatives at the Hyannis HyArts Artist Shanties, enjoy the scenery and landscapes of Cape Cod (including the gorgeous blooming Hydrangeas) and help us celebrate Cape Cod Hydrangea Festival!

See you there!