Cape Cod and its various towns and villages has long been a friendly haven for artists. The natural beauty of this amazing place has drawn many artists, and the communities within it have supported and promoted them. In our mid-Cape nook we are fortunate to have a very active art community and a fantastic art sponsor in the town of Barnstable, more specifically, the HyArts Cultural District in the village of Hyannis.
As they put it…
"Located in the thriving Cape Cod seaside village of Hyannis, the HyArts Cultural District provides a wide array of arts and cultural experiences with outdoor activities, self-guided walking trails, museums, galleries, community art spaces, public art, shopping, dining, live music, festivals and so much more. Everything to have art-full days, year-round!"
Well that sounds awesome!
What’s even more awesome is that the same HyArts Cultural District provides an opportunity for artists to show and sell their art through their HyArts Artist Shanties program.
Again - their words:
"This Town run program provides affordable rental space for Cape Cod artists and artisans to work and sell at these "seaside studios". This program provides prime visibility and opportunities for artists to gain and improve business, marketing and selling skills, connect with other artists and meet visitors from around the region and the world."

You don’t just raise your hand and get in though.
Participating artists get selected via a juried selection process. Meaning that artists must submit an application, and samples of their work. The artists are representing the town and the region as ambassadors of the Cape Cod Artist community and their work, motivations and goals must be consistent with the mission of the program.
"Each artist’s application is juried/reviewed and evaluated by committee in order to ensure the quality and variety of work offered.. In some cases, artists are asked to come in person to present their work to the review committee. Once accepted into the program, any items not approved during the jury process must be approved by the Town of Barnstable's Arts and Culture Coordinator prior to selling in the shanty. Artists must complete an application and be juried/accepted into the program on a yearly basis."

It is with great pride and excitement that we, here at share the news that Jeanne has been selected to two assignments at the HyArts Artist Shanties.
Jeanne will be showing and selling her work during her participation on these dates

Now, firstly - these are great weeks to visit. If you have ever wanted to visit beautiful Cape Cod - we hope you do it during one of these times, and come visit us at the Art Shanties. Stop in - say hi and maybe purchase some of Jeanne’s wonderful art. But, more importantly enjoy the amazing scenery, sites, shops, restaurants and attractions that make Cape Cod a world class vacation destination.

Secondly - please share in our enthusiasm, joy and anticipation as we prepare to share Jeanne’s art with the world.

This is a big deal.
"Since its inception this arts program has been a successful venue for participating artists. In the first season, 11 artists participated in this artist incubator program, currently over 95 participate each year.
The program is designed to support arts and culture in downtown Hyannis with the ultimate goal of increasing visitors to the harbor area and downtown. Over 850,000 visitors have visited the shanties since 2005."
Being accepted is an accomplishment in itself. Please congratulate Jeanne for her hard work and persistence as she pursued and achieved her goal of establishing herself as a Cape Cod Artist.
Now though.. The hard work begins. We need to prepare for a great show.

We have carefully curated a collection of her artwork - and painstakingly crafted a design for her assigned shanty.

We have worked to learn the art of retail, establishing point of sales capabilities, deep diving marketing strategies and building an inventory that accommodates every price point - consistent with the mission of making beautiful works of art available to everyone,

We will be very busy over the coming weeks and months as we prepare to put our best foot forward in the Cape Cod art community. We will share the journey with our followers and friends on If you are not registered as a member of the site, we encourage you to do so - this way you can keep up to date on our progress.
As always - you are welcome to enjoy and purchase Jeanne's artwork - available on
But, mostly, we hope you join us in this adventure, and support Jeanne in her endeavor. Please share the good news with family, friends and colleagues and help spread the word of this incredible opportunity.

Congratulations Jeanne! Let's get it done!