The last few months have been a bit crazy over here at .
Let's get you all caught up on what's been going on....
Hyannis HyArts Artist Shanty Update

You know we have been preparing for a Memorial Day Weekend shanty show at the Hyannis HyArts Artist Shanties. We did a lot of prep work, including building our inventory of prints, framed art, wrapped canvases, note cards and coasters. We even did a pre-season scouting mission.

Memorial Day Weekend is an awesome time on the Cape! There is always so much going on in Hyannis. A stroll down Main Street provides so many wonderful dining and shopping options, you can easily keep yourself entertained all weekend long.
The weekend also marks the unofficial beginning of the summer beach season and the Figawi regatta (an annual charity event and regatta from Hyannis to Nantucket) brings thousands of sailing enthusiasts to Hyannis. We were so excited to be part of the festivities. Unfortunately, an unexpected situation put the brakes on that endeavor - and we needed to postpone our stay at the shanty. Our weekend show got moved to October. Our new dates are:
Week of July 4th thru July 10th
Weekend of Oct 21st thru Oct 23rd
We are excited about the October weekend dates! It is such a beautiful time of year on Cape Cod and if you ever spend any time here during the fall season, you know it's a special time to visit. Lots of pumpkins, mums and fun Halloween activities! (It is also Jeanne's favorite time of year on the Cape.)
So, with our new dates set, we continue our preparations with eager anticipation for our Fourth of July show. Jeanne will be at the "Keyes" Shanty at Harbor Overlook. Hope to see you there!
One point of note. There will be no fireworks in Hyannis on the 4th of July. Huhhh??? What??? Hyannis is famous for their Independence Day firework displays on Lewis Bay.... What happened? Why no fireworks?
Two Words....

The Piping Plovers (an endangered shorebird) have taken up nesting on a new spit of sand formed in the bay by the winter storms. The fireworks would frighten the nesting birds - and force them to leave the area - abandoning the eggs and wiping out an entire future population of these beautiful birds. We think it's worth the sacrifice.
The fireworks will be postponed til Labor Day Weekend - after the Piping Plovers are all hatched and safely on their way off the Cape.
The adorable little birds might make a good subject for a future painting - who knows?
Speaking of art subjects....
New Art

We are very excited to share Jeanne's newest artwork - "Swimming Striper". It is a beautiful picture of a striped bass. The story behind this work of art began when Jeanne's husband, Steve, captured an underwater image of a striped bass during one of his fishing excursions. Jeanne had never painted a fish before, but she soon discovered how beautiful it was to paint the diffused underwater light and colors, which played against the scales and body of the striper.
The work came out fantastic and it looks great hanging in Steve's office (it might look great in yours too).

The piece worked out so well - Jeanne is thinking about experimenting more with painting underwater creatures. Minimally it gives Steve more excuses to get out to the beach and spend some time wading in the water.
Hmmmmm - or - maybe not. Maybe Jeanne will stick with her lovely cottage garden for inspiration (which is beginning to bloom) - How Exciting!