Jan 31, 2023
Jeanne on Instagram!
You may notice the Instagram Icon at the bottom of our website now.
That's right, Jeanne has launched her Instagram account so she can share her latest news and announcements through an additional media channel.
For real-time updates - Click the icon to follow Jeanne on Instagram!
Jan 16, 2023
New Exhibition!!
Jeanne's work is on display at the "New From the Studio" - exhibition at The Cultural Center of Cape Cod.
This annual event reflects a wide variety of genres, mediums, styles, sizes, and approaches to visual art. This year's theme is meant to inspire the Cultural Center members to try something new and be brave and bold in 2023.
We are very excited to have Jeanne associated with such a great organization., and thrilled to have her work displayed at this incredible exhibition along with so many talented Cape Cod Artists.
Dec 20, 2022
New Art!
Jeanne has completed and released her latest creation - "Brewster Reflections".
The piece depicts an incredibly tranquil scene of a salt marsh in Brewster on Cape Cod. Visitors to the area may recognize it as Paines Creek, one of several estuaries that feed into Cape Cod Bay.
This area boasts the largest tidal flats in North America where the outgoing tide can extend the sandbar for up to two miles.
Dec 10, 2022
Jeanne's Work at the Cultural Center of Cape Cod!
Jeanne now has several pieces of work on display and offered for sale at the Cultural Center of Cape Cod in South Yarmouth.
You can find Jeannes wrapped canvases, framed prints and coasters available in the Artisan Gallery.
We hope you visit this incredible venue and check out her amazing pieces.

Nov 6, 2022
Small Work Show and Sale
Cape Cod Museum of Art!
Jeanne will have three pieces at this year's Cape Cod Museum of Art - Small Works Show and Sale.
11" x 14" wrapped canvases of her "Blue Poppy", "Longwood Orchids" and "Seashell Roses" will be on display and for sale from Nov 8th through Dec 31st.
Stop by and check out the event!
Oct 21, 2022
Back at the Shanties!
Jeanne had her second stay at the Hyannis HyArts Artist Shanties. One Program two locations. This visit was at Bismore Park right on the Harbor.
We had over 150 visitors to the shanty over the three-day weekend. The weather was beautiful and the event was a huge success.
August 10, 2022
Jeanne at the Museum!
We didn't expect to have new news so soon. But, we have an incredible opportunity to show and sell Jeanne's art at our local Historical Museum. this coming weekend.
You can read more about it in our Blog
We hope to see you there!

August 6, 2022
This is a Big One!
Jeanne has three pieces entered in Fine Art Americas BILLBOARD contest.
Every entry that gets at least 100 votes will become a contest finalist.
On September 15th, a panel of judges will review all of the finalists and pick twenty winning images to appear on billboards throughout the United States during the fall and winter. All billboards will be located near major metropolitan areas (e.g. Chicago, Los Angeles, Atlanta, etc.)
Needless to say, that being a finalist would be a very big deal for Jeanne and her budding art business.
Please help Jeanne become a finalist and cast your vote:
July, 2022
Jeanne's artwork - "Edgartown Porch" has won the "CAPE COD AND THE ISLANDS" art contest on Fine Art America.
Jeanne was competing against 41 artists and 76 other pieces of art.
It is always an honor to have her art recognized, and we thank everyone who voted for her work.
As with all of Jeanne's work, "Edgartown Porch" is available for sale.
June, 2022
New Art!
Exciting News! Jeanne completed a new piece - "Morning Hydrangea"
Jeanne painted this gorgeous, colorful Hydrangea in celebration of the 2022 Cape Cod Hydrangea Festival,
Read more about it on our Blog.
May, 2022
New Art!
Jeanne is proud to share her newest piece of art - "Swimming Striper"
Her husband captured an image of a swimming Striped Bass during one of his fishing excursions. Having never painted a fish before, Jeanne was excited to give it a try.
The result is a beautifully translucent fish - with surprising color and composition. The piece came out wonderful and is available for sale.
Mar, 2022
Huge News!
We are very pleased to share that Jeanne has been selected for an opportunity to present her work at the 2022 HyArts Artist Shanties in Hyannis, MA on Cape Cod.
Jeanne will be showing and selling her work on:
Read more about it on our Blog and at the ARTS Barnstable website.